On the state OkACTE Level, the Divisional President-Elect is responsible attending OkACTE Membership Committee Meetings. The Divisional rep should assist the President-Elect with the following duties: 


The Membership Committee shall promote all of the benefits associated with being a member of the Oklahoma Association of Career and Technology Education (OkACTE). 

The committee is responsible for reviewing and developing ways to promote products and services to the membership that provide non-dues revenues to OkACTE.


To accomplish the mission the committee will first develop a Marketing Plan that will accomplish the following objectives:

1.)   Increase participation in existing services

2)    Identify new services to meet member needs that may also generate association revenue.

The Membership Committee shall be comprised of all of the division president-elects.


The Committee shall review the membership data, each division comparing their membership enrollment to previous years.


The Committee shall attempt to analyze membership trends and issues pertinent to their respective division.


The Committee shall at each meeting review all membership activities of the OkACTE office to determine the effectiveness of each activity and when additional efforts are necessary.


Each Division President-Elect shall work with the Division Advisor in soliciting and conducting division activities to recruit nonmembers.

Last modified: Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:33 AM