If someone sends an inappropriate message through ctYOU's messaging system, harasses a classmate online, or makes a crude comment on a discussion forum, please report the incident immediately. Poor online citizenship will not be tolerated.

All messages sent through ctYOU's messaging system are saved on the server and they are traceable. At the very least, anyone who abuses the privilege of using ctYOU runs the risk of having their user rights permanently revoked. Online threats can adversely affect a student's grade in a class or result in expulsion from school and/or legal action, so think before you post or send a message!

When reporting an incident of abuse, provide as much information as you can. Give details about what you experienced or witnessed, including the name of the course and instructor (if applicable), as well as the date and approximate time the incident occurred.

Report Bad Online Behavior

Last modified: Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 11:47 AM