Patient Name:  Dianne Tell

Patient ID: 3413758

Admission Date: 4/10/xx

DOB: 07/27/XX

Chief Complaint: Confusion, frequent urination, and hyperglycemia

History of Present Illness: Dianne Tell is a 26 yr old who presented to the ER with slight confusion, frequent urination and hyperglycemia.  Urine was found to have increased levels of ketones.


Medical History:  IDDM

Medications: Insulin, captopril

Allergies: Demerol

Social History: She does not drink or smoke

Family History: Married.   

Physical Examination:

General:  This is a female who has slight confusion, Ht: 65 in Wt: 70 kg

Vital Signs: Blood Pressure 140/80, heart rate 90, Respiration 28, Temperature 101.2°F

HEENT: Clear

Lymph: Unremarkable

Neck: No goiter, no jugular venous distention

Chest: Clear

Heart: Regular rate and rhythm, no murmur, rub or gallop

Abdomen: Soft and tender

Genitourinary: tender

Rectal: Unremarkable.                                  

Skin: pale, moist mucous membranes. Skin turgor within normal limits.

Laboratory and X-ray Data: sodium 134, Potassium 4.5, glucose 616, BUN 32, creatinine 1.1, white count 16000, Hemoglobin 12, Hematocrit 36, platelets 210.  Urinalysis shows elevated ketones



  1. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  2. UTI


  1. Admit to ICU
  2. Place on insulin drip
  3. Start antibiotic therapy
Last modified: Tuesday, March 31, 2020, 5:50 PM