Topic Name Description
Office Safety File Office Safety PowerPoint

This is a basic office safety PowerPoint for teachers to use. 

File Office Safety PPT LAP

This is  a PPT LAP and other resources that can be used to teach Office Safety. 

File Checklist for Safety

This is a checklist for office safety that can be used in the classroom.

Page Fire Extinguisher Basics

Basics on fire extinguishers.

File Sample Safety Handbook

This is a sample of a handbook that could be developed for the classroom pertaining to safety.

URL Office Safety Video

Short Office Safety YouTube Video

URL Retro Office Safety Video

Here is a humorous office safety video that is retro. 

File Office Safety Lap

Office Safety Lap

File STEM Safety Lap

Safety Lap for BMITE

File Talking Safety

Talking Safety PPT

File PollEverywhere Slide

Sample slide for PollEverywhere to use with students and cell phones.

File Jeopardy Template

This is a Jeopardy template that you can modify to help students review for your safety test.  Change the category names, questions, and answers.  You don't need to change the hyperlinks.

File Electrical Safety

This is a basic electrical safety presentation.

CyberSafety Page Resources and Links
Page Read me - Who makes the rules?
Page YouTube media links

YouTube CyberSafety links

Page video object
Page Forum Questions
When restoring a Moodle course, forum questions may not be included in the backup file. You can use these to create forum questions for discussions.
Page Did you know? 4.0
Page SMS Poll
Page SMS Poll 2
Page TTSD CyberSafety Slide Show 2010
URL MSNBC Video - 1 in 5
Predators Page Watch me - Julie's Story - 2:53 (S)
This is an interview with a teen girl who was groomed by an online predator.
Page Activity - Julie's Story
Page Read me - How Predators Work
Page Watch me - Claire Thoguht She Knew - 1:34
An educational video for young people, produced by the UK's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) as part of the ThinkUKnow UK initiative.
Page Learn more - Online Predators - Articles
URL Read me - Do kids willing go with Internet predators?
Peter Brust - FBI special agent in charge, Counterintelligence and Cyber Divisions, Los Angeles FBI field office

Page Learn more - Is it against the law? When to report? Signs of danger? (Parents)
URL Discussion - Who are the victims?

Who are the victims of online predators?

Page Call these numbers to get help

Help numbers you can use...

URL Read me - Internet Safety Tips - (Parents)
Page Watch me and Discuss with parents - Where's Klaus - 1:05
This video was published by the Child Exploitation and Online protection Centre in the UK (CEOP).
CyberBullying Page Watch me - Wanda's song 3:40
Page Discussion questions - Wanda's song
Small group discussions based on lyrics of Wanda's Song.
URL Forum discussion - Wanda's Song

Discussion questions for Wanda's Song

File Read me - MTV Digital Abuse Study
Page Read me - Teen Commits Suicide Due to Bullying
Page Watch me - Kitchen Cyberbullying
Page Watch me - Cyberbullying Talent Show
From the Ad Council: "Delete Cyberbullying."; For more information about cyberbullying prevention, please visit
URL Read me - Life Strategies for Dealing With Bullies - MSNBC
Page Watch me - Jay McGraw on ‘Dealing With Bullies' - MSNBC - 4:54
URL Read me - Relational aggression facts

From the Ophelia Project

URL For Parents - Net Cetera - Talking with your kids
URL Read me - Tips to stop cyberbullying
Page Survey - Cyberbully survey and results - SurveyMonkey
It's very easy to make surveys at I suggest that you create one with your students. Get them to help design the survey for your class and then change the links below.
Email Safety Page Watch me - Would you trust this man?
Page Read me - Common Sense Internet Rules
Page Watch me - Phishing Scams - 3:05
A short guide to recognizing and avoiding phishing scams. This video comes in an unbranded "presentation quality" version that can be licensed for use in the workplace.
Page Watch me - Symantec Guide to Phishing - 2:31


The first in a series of video's looking at common Internet threats. This one looks at Phishing and how to prevent it. More details at:

Page Play me - The Phishing Game
URL Read me - 10 Commandments of Net-Etiquette
URL Quiz for fun - Net-Etiquette Quiz
Page Read me - Emoticons
Page Read me - SGT Nalda - 419 scams
Page Watch me - Best Air Race Pilot Ever - Could this be real? 1:07

This video should be used to introduce Internet hoaxes.

Page Read me - Internet hoaxes
Page Play me - The Scammers Linup
Page Read me - Craigslist scam information
Information from Craigslist to help users avoid scams...
Page Play me - The Auction Game
Page Play me - The Spam Game
Social Networking URL Read me - What is social networking? (Parents)
Page Watch me - Teens as content creators on Social Networks
URL Watch me - What's on your profile?
Simple video for younger kids about profile pages...
URL Watch me - Post to be private -

Setting your page to private is smart, and a step in the right direction -- but who's on your friends list? Don't give just anyone access to your world.

Page Play me - Friend Finder
URL Read me - Social networking safety tips for teens
Page Facebook Profile Safety
How to secure your Facebook profile
Page Watch me - How social media can make history - 15:48
TED Talk:
While news from Iran streams to the world, Clay Shirky shows how Facebook, Twitter and TXTs help citizens in repressive regimes to report on real news, bypassing censors (however briefly). The end of top-down control of news is changing the nature of politics.
URL Discuss - Social media and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake

How social media changed access to information in China

URL Watch me - Beware of friends on-line
URL Read me - Pew Internet Social Media and Young Adults (HS Parents)
URL Read me - Social networking sites draw teens in (HS, Parents)
They haven't abandoned our shopping malls, coffeehouses, fast food joints, or convenience store parking lots, but increasingly, high school students are hanging out online as well as off, using social networks to congregate and stay connected with friends.
Page Watch me - Are these parent concerns valid?
URL For Parents - Digital Parenting Style Quiz
URL For Parents - The Millennials - Portrait of Generation Next
URL For Parents - Social Media and Young Adults
Cell Phone Issues URL Watch me - What is sexting? 1:22
Short video on what sexting is from
URL Read me - Jesse Logan's story - MSNBC 7:55
18-year-old Jesse Logan took her own life after a nude picture of her was passed around by e-mail. TODAY’s Matt Lauer talks to her mom, Cynthia Logan, and Internet safety expert Parry Aftab about the dangers of “sexting.

Page Watch me - Jesse Logan's story - MSNBC 7:55
Page Watch me - Jesse Logan Tribute - Youtube 3:33
Page Watch me - Teen charged as sex offender for sexting - MSNBC 7:22
Page Watch me - Sexting at Holbrook Jr/HS - MSNBC 1:33
Page Watch me - Spokane Sexting land kids in trouble - KXLY News - 4:30 (HS, Parents)
URL Read me - Tips to prevent sexting

Tips to prevent sexting...

URL Read me - Pew Internet Teens and Mobile Phones Over the Past Five Years (HS, Parents)
Pew Internet Survey, August 2009

URL Read me - Teens and Sexting - PEW report 2009 (HS, Parents)
Page Watch me - Sexting 1 in 5 - MSNBC 4:03 (Parents)

Today show video on sexting