High School Work-Based Learning Toolkits
Completion requirements
- Apprenticeship_Registered Apprenticeship
- Apprenticeship_Registered Apprenticeship Tools
- Application Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Application for Registered Apprenticeship Incentive Funds.docx
- Building the Classroom Connection_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Employer and Coordinator Evaluation_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Evaluation by Student_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Incentive Fund Announcement.pdf
- Journal_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Log of Contacts_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- OKCG Classroom Activity_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Optional Evaluation_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Permission Form_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Plan and Agreement_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Teacher Tip Sheet_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Workplace Checklist_Registered Apprenticeship Guide fillable.pdf
- Apprenticeship_Registered Apprenticeship Guide with TOC links.pdf
- College_Career Fairs
- College_Career Fair Tools
- College and Career Fair Employer_College Evaluation.pdf
- College and Career Fair Participant Form.pdf
- College and Career Fair Student Evaluation.pdf
- College and Industry Partner Checklist.pdf
- Passport to the Future.pdf
- Sample Email to Employers and Colleges.pdf
- Sample Email to Employers to Forward.pdf
- Student Checklist for College and Career Fair.pdf
- Student Registration and Permission Form.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for College and Career Fair.pdf
- Teacher Permission for Class Absence.pdf
- College_Career Fairs Guide.pdf
- Community Service_Volunteer Work
- Community Service_Volunteer Tools
- CommServ_Volunteer Application fillable.pdf
- CommServ_Volunteer Evaluation fillable.pdf
- CommServ_Volunteer Journal fillable.pdf
- OKCG Classroom Activity fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist for CommServ_Volunteer fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for CommServ_Volunteer fillable.pdf
- Workplace Checklist for CommServ_Volunteer fillable.pdf
- CommServ_Volunteer Guide.pdf
- SDE Service-Learning.pdf
- Service Learning Reflection Sheet - OKCG.pdf
- CTSO-CareerTech Curriculum for Speakers
- Guest Speakers
- Guest Speaker Tools
- Email for Employers to Forward.pdf
- Guest Speaker Evaluation Form.pdf
- Guest Speaker Participation Form.pdf
- Industry Checklist for Guest Speaker Visits.pdf
- Sample Email to Employers.pdf
- Speaker Checklist.pdf
- Student Checklist for Guest Speaker Visits.pdf
- Student Evaluation of Guest Speaker.pdf
- Student Notes and Observations.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for Guest Speakers.pdf
- Guest Speakers Guide.pdf
- Informational Interviews
- Informational Interview Tools
- Employer Evaluation for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Employer Expectations for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Phone Call Script for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Sample Email to Employers for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Student Evaluation for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Teacher Permission Form for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Workplace Partner Checklist for Infor_Interviews fillable.pdf
- Infor_Interviews Guide.pdf
- Internship
- Internship Tools
- All Aspects of an Industry fillable.pdf
- B Safe Safety Checklist fillable.pdf
- Confirm Your Interview fillable.pdf
- FAQ About Internships fillable.pdf
- Informational Interview fillable.pdf
- Internship Application fillable.pdf
- Internship Contract fillable.pdf
- Internship Fact Sheet.pdf
- Internship Grading Rubric fillable.pdf
- Internship Journal fillable.pdf
- Internship Program Eval fillable.pdf
- Internships Planning Form fillable.pdf
- Jobs and Internships fillable.pdf
- Labor Laws Fact Sheet.pdf
- Learning Objectives fillable.pdf
- Learning Plan and Eval fillable.pdf
- Learning Plan and Eval Sample fillable.pdf
- Orientation Checklist fillable.pdf
- Parent Permission Form fillable.pdf
- Portfolio Rubric fillable.pdf
- Pre Internship Worksite Supervisor Interview fillable.pdf
- Problem Based Learning Activities fillable.pdf
- SCANS Classroom Activity fillable.pdf
- SCANS Skill Assessment fillable.pdf
- Seven Simple Guidelines fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist for Internship fillable.pdf
- Student Pre Internship Worksheet fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for Internship fillable.pdf
- Teacher Notes and Eval Worksheet fillable.pdf
- Teacher Tip Sheet fillable.pdf
- Workplace Checklist for Internship fillable.pdf
- Workplace Partner Cover Letter Sample fillable.pdf
- Workplace Partner Guide to Successful Internships Fact Sheet.pdf
- Workplace Safety Curricula fillable.pdf
- Workplace Skills for Students fillable.pdf
- Workplace Skills for Students Sample fillable.pdf
- Internships Guide.pdf
- SDE Internships.pdf
- Job Shadow
- Job Shadow Tools
- All Aspects Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- B-Safe Checklist for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Measurable Learning Objs for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Permission Form for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Program Eval for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Sample Schedule for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Student Activities for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Student Expectation Sheet 2 for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Student Expectation Sheet for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Student Learning Objs for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Workplace Partner Checklist for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Workplace Safety Curricula for Job_Shadows fillable.pdf
- Job_Shadows Guide.pdf
- SDE Job-Shadow.pdf
- Mentoring
- Mentoring Tools
- Mentor Eval for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Mentor Questionnaire for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Mentorship Employer Participation Form for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Mentorship Time Log for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Student Application for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Student Eval for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Teacher Eval for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Workplace Partner Checklist for Mentoring fillable.pdf
- Mentoring Guide.pdf
- SDE Mentoring .pdf
- Service Learning_ Research Paper
- Service Learning_Research Paper Tools
- All Aspects Interview for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Confirm Your Interview for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Permission Form for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Plan and Eval for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Program Eval for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Project Application for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Project Journal for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Project Planning Worksheet for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Project Rubric for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Sample Plan and Eval for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Sample Workplace Skills for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- SCANS Classroom Activity for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- SCANS for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Service Learning Contract for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Workplace Checklist for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Workplace Skills for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- Worksite Supervisor Interview for Service Learning fillable.pdf
- SDE Service-Learning.pdf
- Service Learning_Research Papers Guide.pdf
- Tours_Field Trips
- Tour_Field Trip Tools
- All Aspects of an Industry for Tours_Field Trips fillable.pdf
- B-Safe Safety Checklist for Tours_Field Trips fillable.pdf
- Permission Form for Tours_Field Trips fillable.pdf
- Program Eval for Tours_Field Trips fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist for Tours_Field Trips fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for Tours_Field Trips fillable.pdf
- Workplace Partner Checklist for Tours_Field Trips fillable.pdf
- Workplace Safety Curricula for Tours_Field Trips fillable.pdf
- Tours_Field Trips Guide.pdf
- Youth Pre-Apprenticeship
- Youth Pre-Apprenticeship Tools
- Application for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Contacts Log for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Employer and Coordinator Eval Report for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Eval by Student for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Journal for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Laws Pertaining to Students for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- OKCG Classroom Activity for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Optional Eval for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Permission Form for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Plan and Agreement for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Student Checklist for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Teacher Checklist for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Teacher Tip Sheet for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- Workplace Checklist for Youth Pre-Apprenticeship fillable.pdf
- SDE Youth-Apprenticeship.pdf
- Youth Pre-Apprenticeship Guide.pdf
- ccd-skill-building-flyer.pdf
- CommServ_Volunteer Guide Corrections and additions.docx
- EmployabilitySkills_Lesson_Planning_Checklist.pdf
- High School WBL Program Agreement updated.docx
- Industry Engagement Action Planner Fillable Form.pdf
- Kuder Work_Based Learning Playbook.docx
- Kuder_WBL-Playbook_Workbook_web.pdf
- Measuring and Reflecting Student Learning (002).pdf
- OKEdge Service Learning Work Environment.pdf
- On-Campus-Work-Based-Learning-2.pdf
- Professional Learning Experience Toolkit and Appendix.pdf
- Project-Based-Learning.pdf
- SDE (WBL) Activities.pdf
- SDE DRAFT 2-Nurturing the Hope and Well-being of Oklahoma Students-2.pdf
- SL-WBL-GuidanceDocument-2-1.pdf
- SL-WBL-GuidanceDocument-2.pdf
- WBL Timeline and Definitions (003)-2.pdf
- Work-Based Learning Link.docx
- Work-Sample_Reflection-Sheet-template2.pdf
- Worker Quality Rubric.docx
- Workvaluesinventory-3.pdf